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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 5AM  CBS  March 15, 2011 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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morning commute and then just kind of scattered showers elsewhere. we will see showers throughout the rest of the bay area throughout the day today and then sticking with us through the rest of the week. i'll time it out coming up. here's elizabeth with traffic. >> thank you. let's talk about roadwork. still lingering on eastbound 4 through pittsburg between bailey and railroad. various lanes closed until about 7:00 this morning. green sensors westbound and eastbound highway 4. we are not dealing with any big problems this morning. here's live look up and down the nimitz freeway. these taillights, they're moving northbound up towards downtown oakland. quick trip all the way between hayward and the macarthur maze. more traffic coming up including a check of mass transit. in the meantime, back to you. >> thank you. the damaged nuclear power plant is now leaking radioactivity directly into the atmosphere and there are new concerns this morning a cooling pond had been on fire is now believed to be boiling. we have a report, people who
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are still within 20 miles of the power plant are being told to stay indoors and wear masks. >> reporter: scouring the rubble in japan, the recovery of bodies continues. the death toll climbs. and the threat of more danger looms. the fukushima dai-ichi power plant is unstable with another explosion and fire tuesday, leading to unhealthy levels of increased radiation, which later decreased. >> we need now for everybody to move out of the 20-kilometer radius from the number one plant. we would like to ask you to remain indoors at home or in your offices. >> reporter: and a 30-kilometer radius no-fly zone is now in effect over the plant. some 800 workers evacuated. only 50 remain to carry out essential work. for survivors of the deadly quake and tsunami, raw emotion surfaced as reunions and search
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for loved ones continue. >> it feels like the end of the world. and i have seen the look on people's faces right after an experience like this, and they are just in deep, deep shock. >> reporter: this american english teacher in japan was finally able to communicate with his parents in the states. this is how he describes living in the aftermath of the devastation. >> the damage is just -- it's crazy. i'm just trying to get through it like one day at a time. the rescue of a 70-year-old woman providing a rare bit of good news in japan today. she was found alive inside her home, which had been swept away by the tsunami four days ago. we just got this video into the newsroom. the woman was conscious but suffering from hypothermia and is being treated now at a hospital. some new developments in libya this morning. we have just learned that libyan oil exports have come to a halt because of fighting between rebels and forces loyal to libyan leader moammar qaddafi according to the
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international energy agency. many foreign oil workers have fled forcing international companies to stop operations. the violence had driven oil prices up near $107 a barrel last week before they cooled following the disaster in japan. 5:03. if you like rain, have we got a week for you, folks. [ laughter ] >> beginning today, julie, you have to give us a break here, come on. >> i told you, frank, it's your fault. you brought the rain with you and we haven't seen it go away yet. >> i brought everything here. >> you did but we need the rain. we'll take it. starting off with rain in the north bay, it's moving in pretty nice this morning, a closer look at the north bay shows light to moderate rain showers just crossing 101. expect a soaker in the north bay showers through santa rosa on to wine country, sonoma, napa, right now getting lighter rain but there are more moderate cells to the north. as we move on throughout the day today, we will continue to see rain activity in the north bay and showers for the rest of
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us. probably not going to be a total rainout for folks outside of the north bay, but you want to keep the umbrellases with you and this is pretty much the same weather pattern we'll see over the next week as the weather stays unsettled. i mentioned that nuisance rain for wednesday and thursday. it's gray, damp, your hair gets all icky. that's an official term there icky. temperature-wise today we are in the 60s once again a little cooler than yesterday but still mild enough. shouldn't be too cold out there. elizabeth, is that a good estimation of nuisance rain? >> what were you saying, icky? >> yeah. >> lately i saw all rain a little annoying. ready for spring and summer. if you doesn't what to avoid the rain showers -- if you do want to avoid the rain showers, mass transit is on time, no delay on bart, ace, muni and caltrain. but if you about to hit the roads, we are not seeing any big problems. no fog advisories, no real major rain showers to speak of, no major puddling on the roads.
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again, live look at the bay bridge toll plaza, where you're cruising, very light traffic heading into san francisco. a little bit of lingering roadwork overnight. they just wrapped it up, though, on the nimitz freeway. various lanes blocked on northbound 880 between embarcadero and 5th but past the coliseum, easy ride towards downtown oakland. remember our radio partners, kcbs 740-am and 106.9-fm. back to you. >> thank you. 5:05. we have seen the images of the moment the earthquake struck in japan. roads buckled and buildings cracked. people hundreds of miles away felt the tremor. christin ayers is in hayward this morning where people now have a chance to experience a magnitude 8 quake. christin, good morning. >> reporter: good morning frank. we're inside an earthquake simulator now and i'm joined by a man from an earthquake preparedness company. you take this simulate your
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around to show people what it would be like to be in a big earthquake. >> we are trying to show people how to earthquake-proof their homes, all their breakables that could fall on a child or somebody in the event of an earthquake. >> those truly are the biggest dangers that an earthquake can pose inside a home? >> down in the chilean earthquake, 70% of the injuries are caused by the contents, like office contents, things in the home. top heavy furniture, heavy enough to hurt you in an earthquake is going to topple over. >> reporter: very soon here we'll see the effect of having certain appliances and that sort of thing like this we have a tv here, we have bottles and glasses and this sort of thing. >> we are using buckles and strap. i'm using my quake hold gel to secure the items on the shelf.
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for our furniture, we have top- heavy furniture straps that peel and stick right to the top of the furniture without having to put holes in the furniture. and then the other portion has to go in a stud in the wall. a lot of people make the mistake of not putting it in the studs. >> reporter: shortly we'll get an idea of what it would be like to be in an 8.0 earthquake and the difference those tools will make. back to you. >> christin, this is sydnie. you're new to cbs 5. have you been through an earthquake yet? >> reporter: i am from northern california. so i have been through small shakers. i don't know if i'm prepared for this 8.0 simulate their we're about to do. we'll see how it is. >> thank you, christin ayers in hayward about to go through an "earthquake." thanks. a shooting in san francisco sending five people to the hospital one with critical injuries. that gunfire erupted in the mission district at a bar at 16th and caledonia just after 11:00 last night. witnesses say they saw two men
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running from the scene and driving away in a white station wagon. no word of any arrests. a motive is unclear. time now 5:08. today's the deadline to pass out pink slips to teachers. how one bay area community is taking action this morning. >> and as the san bruno pipeline investigation continues, the key deadline for pg&e today. we'll be right back. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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day they get warnings that they might not have jobs next today is pink slip day for california educators, the day they get warnings that they might not have jobs next fall. sharon chin is in union city, where teachers, administrators and parents are gathering this morning to protest more budget cuts. >> reporter: good morning.
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there are going to be a number of protests all day long. the first one happens here at alvarado middle school at union city at 6:30 a.m. the day of action protest led by the california teachers association includes a state school superintendent, tom torlickson. they are urging support of governor brown's proposal to extend $12.6 billion in temporary taxes or else, they say, k-12 schools could see cuts of up to $4.5 billion or $750 per student. now, the governor says that the tax extension is needed for the budget but key republicans oppose the tax extension saying it could further cripple the state as it recovers from recession. as budget negotiations go on, many school districts are grappling with the potential budget cuts and even though don't know how much money they already have they must by law let teachers know by today whether their jobs are in
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jeopardy. oakland faces 540 pink slips, other places, antioch, alameda, mount diablo, san mateo foster city, west contra costa, those school districts are sending pink slips to anywhere between 50 and 100 teachers today. the districts have until may 15 to rescind some or all of the pink slips. other protests going on this afternoon in san bruno and in oakland. the first one happening here at 6:30 with the middle school jazz band in front of the library and the district says their both the jazz band and the library face the chopping block if this tax extension doesn't go through. sydnie. >> going to be a stressful day for all involved. sharon, thank you. sharon chin in union city. 5:12 your time. today is the deadline for pg&e to hand over documents proving that its gas pipe pressure levels are safe. the state public utilities commission gave the company that deadline in the wake of the san bruno blast. if pg&e fails to come up with
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sufficient documentation, cpuc is expected to tell the utility to do some testing to check for leaks. that could be expensive and inconvenient for customers. it also isn't clear who would pay for it. time now 5:13. the nuclear crisis grows in japan today. and just how well prepared are california's nuclear plants for a natural disaster? we'll tell you what the experts say when we come back. plus, efforts to protect one tree bringing in 6-figure price tags so far here in san francisco. the good deed that's costing more than anyone ever imagined. coming up. ,,,,,, appreciate the easy days, are what keep me coming back for more. [goat sounds] and the customer says, on the carpet." what? gonna be difficult. don't tell me about a dog. a day care full of kids, house chickens. call a day's work. call 1-800-steemer
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[ banker ] when ashley's violin teacher told her parents she was gifted, they were thrilled. she's a natural vibrato. oh. we started saving for this music camp in vermont. so i told them about some of the wells fargo online savings tools like my savings plan,
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which helps them set up and monitor a savings goal. until we found out that maybe her teacher uses certain terms a little bit loosely. rebecca is clearly very gifted. [ banker ] we decided to roll that money into ashley's college account. turns out there's seven gifted kids in ashley's class of nine. [ male announcer ] wells fargo. with you when it's time to save. ♪
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stories: stocks are welcome back to the early- morning edition. we are tracking rain on -- welcome back to the "early edition." we are tracking rain and thunderstorms. take a closer look where we just saw a lightning strike moments ago off the coast of bodega
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bay. showerss anticipated for the south bay. out the door, north bay rain. cloudy and mild your temperatures. as we move into the afternoon, heaviest rain stays in the north, but the rest of us will see sporadic rain showers on and off throughout the day, temperatures in the 60s today, a little cooler than yesterday. but still relatively mild nonetheless. from the satellite perspective, notice that we are seeing just the leading edge of this cold front moving onshore and as it does, again, bringing the heaviest rain to the north. we'll see showers kind of pass through the south as the tail end of the front pushes off to the southeast. this is just the beginning of what looks like it will be a relatively wet week as we have this area of low pressure offshore or the british columbia coast and -- off the british columbia coast. and as it does, it will usher in waves of the wet stuff off and on. next couple of days, nuisance rain. downpours friday. today we are expecting up to 1.5" in the highest elevations. the rest of us looking at less
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than .25" at best. as we move on to the afternoon hours, notice temperatures in the 60s for most of us so mild. again today heaviest rain in the north bay. off-and-on showers through thursday. a good soaker friday. showers continuing into the weekend. now for a check of your roadways, here's elizabeth. >> all right. we'll go out towards 580 and we have a permanent ramp closure, the portola avenue ramp, the off-ramp there at eastbound 580, is closed right now for ongoing roadwork along the stretch but you can see the main lines of the freeway westbound and eastbound 580 look great towards the dublin interchange. all your approaches to the bay bridge toll plaza nice and light this morning. down the eastshore freeway commuting through berkeley, still 18 minutes drive from the carquinez bridge to the maze. again no delay, no metering lights at all heading towards the pay gates into san francisco. your other bridges look good, as well. no fog advisories anywhere. here's live look at conditions
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across the antioch bridge. you can kind of make out that traffic shot. heading through antioch, no bottleneck through a street. and we still have this roadwork various lanes blocked until 7:00 this morning. it is anti-commute so against the commute. eastbound 4 between bailey and railroad. again, just one or two lanes blocked until 7:00. westbound highway 4, fine through the stretch. live look at the nimitz freeway. easy ride past the coliseum. no problems here. mass transit is all running on time. remember our radio partners, kcbs 740-am and 106.9-fm. back to you. >> thank you. let's take a look at this morning's top stories. u.s. stocks headed for sharply lower opening as the nuclear crisis in japan intensifies. radiation is leaking into the atmosphere from the damaged nuclear power plant in japan. water in the cooling pond at
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the plant is believed to be boiling. officials have widened the area where people are warned to leave or stay indoors. the number of people killed by the earthquake and tsunami in japan now above 2700. that's expected to rise dramatically. 10,000 deaths are likely in one province alone. today though a 70-year-old woman was rescued from her home that had been swept away in the tsunami. and a shooting in san francisco sent five people to the hospital, one with critical injuries. the gunfire erupted in the mission district at the el tin tan bar just after 1 1:00 last night. no word of arrests yet. a motive is unclear. it is 5:20. when disaster looms, how some here in the bay area can be alerted of the threat via text. and what does it take to save one tree here in the bay area? the three-month saga that's not even close to being over.
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switching to progressive could mean hundreds more in your wallet year after year. feed me! saving you money -- now, that's progressive. call or click today. good morning. traffic light this morning near san jose. we'll have a check of the east bay coming up. >> thank you. state and federal officials say california's two nuclear power plants are well prepared
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for any natural disaster. pg&e says the mount diablo canyon nuclear plant in san luis obispo county would survive any earthquake up to magnitude 7.5. and in san diego county, the san onofre plant southern california edison said it can withstand up to 7.0 quake. and it has a 30-foot wall to hold off a potential tsunami. >> we need our ability to shut it down and maintain it safely. certainly you're not intending to operate the plant during an emergency but you want to shut it down and protect the public. we can do that. >> government also has sensors along the california coast to detect any radiation from our plants or from abroad. the disaster in japan prompted santa clara county into action. the county is expanding its system to notify people in case of an emergency. the alert scc system is adding a text number so people can get messages about emergency
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shelters, street closures, medical assistance and other vital information. santa clara county residents can sign up by texting 32075 or by going to a city project in san francisco has turned into a three-month nightmare. it started easily enough. neighbors wanted to save a 70- year-old pine tree from getting banged by delivery trucks passing under it. the city decided to build a little bumper around the tree fix up the street a little under it. since then, they have had to redo the sidewalk, move a fire hydrant, and crews knocked out the power to the neighborhood, as well. >> about every month or so it seems like there's been, you know, some blackouts and stuff like that. >> we are trying to get it done quickly, efficiently to the best of our ability. >> so far, the city estimates it has spent over $100,000 on that job. the star player for the nba denver nuggets playing half a
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game with his name misspelled on his jersey. forward wilson chandler playing the entire first half with the d in his name placed in the wrong spot. >> there he is. i was waiting for him to turn around. >> the problem was fixed at halftime. the jersey snafu didn't appear to affect him or his performance for the game. he scored 21 points and helped the nuggets defeat the new orleans hornets 114-103. >> probably got him a little ticked off, motivated. it is 5:26. the warning in japan, seal yourself indoors. >> coming up, the radioactive fears in japan and the latest on that nuclear plant explosion. and coming up, what's it like to be in an 8.0 magnitude earthquake? we are going to show you in this simulator in just a few. hundreds of teachers in the bay area expected to get pink slips today. what some of the teachers plan
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to do today that's coming up. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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your realtime captioner is linda marie macdonald. good morning, everybody. it is tuesday, it is march 15. i'm frank mallicoat. >> i'm sydnie kohara. thanks so much for joining us. your time coming up on 5:30. let's go ahead and start with a
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quick check of your weather and traffic before you head out the door. julie watts joins us. good morning. >> starting off with a wet one this morning. rain already making its way into the north bay. in fact, we have seen a little bit of thunderstorm activity sitting offshore. take a look at this band of showers stretching offshore. it will make its way through the bay area over the next hour or so. and likely into the south bay, as well. so get ready for a wet commute. we'll have details coming up. speaking of your commute, any traffic out there? let's check with elizabeth. >> we are doing well at 5:30 on tuesday morning. nice and light on the golden gate bridge. they did the lane change a half hour ago. four southbound lanes now open to san francisco. looking good for the silicon valley drive, as well. westbound 237 delay-free towards san jose. and mass transit is all on time, as well. so good news so far to start off your tuesday morning ride.
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>> thank you. the radioactive threat continues in japan where a damaged nuclear power plant is leaking radiation into the air there. japan's prime minister is warning people near the fukushima plant to stay indoors. the warning zone is expanded to include everyone within 19 miles of the plant. the fire at the plant is out now. it was burning in a cooling pond. that pond is now believed to be boiling. charlie d'agata reports the plant is releasing radioactivity into the atmosphere. reporter: dangerous levels of radiation are leaking from this nuclear power plant following a third explosion. the level seems very high, japan's prime minister warned, and there's still a very high risk of more radiation coming out. the blast damaged the containment structure of a reactor, a fourth reactor also caught fire. tens of thousands of nearby residents have already been evacuated. those still living within a 20-
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mile radius are urged to stay indoors, avoid drinking tap water and keep their houses airtight. japan's nuclear crisis began to unfold after last friday's earthquake and tsunami damaged the plant. officials have been scrambling to avoid a meltdown ever since and are now asking the u.s. for help. >> in particular, they are asked for additional types of equipment to help provide water and other resources to ensure that the reactors continue to be cool. >> reporter: fears of a full- blown meltdown have spread all the way to tokyo, located 150 miles from the plant. officials there have detected low levels of radiation and a shifting wind threatens to push it even further. even without a possible nuclear disaster, japan is facing its worst crisis since world war ii. the death toll from the quake and tsunami jumped today to more than 2400 confirmed dead, but officials warn that number is likely to top 10, 000. and now the country faces an
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economic crisis, as well. this morning, japanese stocks plummeted more than 10%. in oyama, japan, charlie d'agata, cbs 5. >> and here at home wall street is headed for a sharply lower opening. futures are down 260 points or just over 2%. slow start here in the states. but there is a bit of good news out of japan this morning. this is new video of a dramatic rescue, a 70-year-old woman was found alive in her home trapped since friday's tsunami. she had been treated now for hypothermia. but otherwise she is okay. japan's earthquake was recently upgraded to a magnitude 9. it is now tied for fourth on the list of strongest earthquakes since 1900. let's go to christin ayers in hayward, where people in the bay area are getting a chance to feel a quake of that magnitude. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, sydnie. we are actually just about to feel the magnitude of an 8.0 earthquake. so a full point below the japan earthquake on the richter scale and here in the bay area, we
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know that an earthquake can pretty much happen just like that. [ shaking ] >> just like that. this is what it feels like to be in an 8.0 earthquake. you can get an idea. you are seeing some of the bottles shifting off the shelves, plants falling down. this is really [ indiscernible ] serves as a wake-up call so people understand what it's like to be in an earthquake. i have to tell you, it's certainly a wake-up call for me. [ laughter ] >> it's frightening even being prepared for an earthquake to feel that kind of shaking. now, you saw some of of the bottles falling down, some of the heavier objects in here stayed put so we have a big tv and some top-heavy objects like book shelves, they are all secured in here right now so clearly, in an earthquake, you see those really heavy objects falling and the emergency -- the earthquake emergency preparedness group that's out here showing us what this is like. their whole message here is to be prepared to have heavy items
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like that secured. you can see just how violent something like this could be, sydnie. >> all right. now i'm thinking of some of the decorative glass bowls and i need some of that quake hold, the putty you stick on the bottom. the minute it hits, they will be gone. christin, pretty good, calm through the whole simulated quake. >> reporter: trying to be. [ shaking begins again ] >> reporter: i think they are just missing with me at this point. >> i think they are. [ laughter ] >> i think so. >> reporter: you talked about that earthquake gel and that is certainly something that's keeping some of this stuff secure. so you know, definitely a good plan to have on hand. we'll show you a number of other items that you can have coming up in our next segment. >> thank you, christin ayers in hayward today. well, you know, there are ways to help the victims in japan. you can log on to our website,, click on "links and numbers" for a list of agencies that are coordinating relief
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over there. think we have to get christin dramamine or something. a critical deadline for pg&e as they have to hand over documents proving that its gas pipe pressure levels are all safe and sound. the state public utilities commission gave the company the deadline of today in the wake of the san bruno blast. if pg&e fails to come up with sufficient documentation, public utilities commission is expected to tell the utility to do some testing to check for leaks. that can be expensive and inconvenient for pg&e customers. it's also not clear who would pay for it. a shooting in san francisco sent five people to the hospital, one with critical injuries. the gunfire erupted in the mission district at the el tin tan bar at 16th and caledonia just after 11:00 last night. witnesses say they saw two men running from the scene and driving away in a white station wagon. no word of any arrests and the motive is still unclear. 5:36. got to let you know, the rain
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is back and julie watts is in the weather center watching doppler radar for us. julie. >> even a little thunderstorm activity sitting off the northern california coast right now. take a closer look at doppler and you can see we have some light to moderate rainfall moving into northern california and a band of showers stretching from santa rosa right now offshore as we advance over the next hour or so, we'll see these cells move inland already seeing light rain showers through san rafael, mill valley, and areas farther south. so get ready for a wet commute especially for folks in the north bay. farther south, well, you might get a little reprieve or at least for another couple of hours or so. here's the front making its way in. we'll continue to see showers throughout the day today, heavier in the north bay. temperature-wise, however, mild once again with highs in the mid-60s for the warmest locations. now for a check of traffic, here's elizabeth. no big trouble spots, no major accidents, and everything is cruising if you are heading
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towards the bay bridge toll plaza. no delay right now and no metering lights. typically turn them on around 6:20 that's when we usually start to see delays. mass transit off to a nice start if you want to skip the roads and the rain this morning, everything is on time for bart, ace, muni and caltrain. no delays. yesterday, we had a couple of fog advisories, one for the golden gate bridge, another one for the richmond/san rafael bridge. nothing like that this morning. here's live look at westbound 580 traffic coming into marin. back to you. >> thank you. teachers all over california are getting warned today if they might be out of work next fall. sharon chin reports from union city where some of the educators will talk about the potential layoffs less than an hour from now. she joins us now live from union city. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, frank. yeah, in the oakland school district alone, they are facing pink slips for 540 teachers. there are a number of protests planned throughout the bay area
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today. the first one at 6:30 at alvarado middle school in union city. the protests are called a day of action organized by the california teachers association. the union is supporting governor brown's proposal to have voters extend $12.6 billion in temporary taxes or else, they say, the schools could see the worst-case scenario. cuts of up to $4.5 billion or $750 per student. now, the governor says the tax extension is needed for the budget but key republicans oppose continuing the higher taxes saying they could cripple the state's recovery from recession. so while budget talks continue in sacramento, many school districts must let teachers know by today whether they could lose their jobs. they must give this notice even though they actually don't know how much money they will have yet in the budget. pink slips issued today could still be rescinded by may. many school districts in the bay area plan to hand out dozens of pink slips, for example, antioch, alameda, mount diablo, san mateo/foster city, and west contra costa
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districts. they are expected to send out between 50 to 100 layoff notices today. other protests are also planned today in san bruno and... [ signal breakup ] >> well, we lost sharon there. but thank you very much, sharon chin live in union city. and in the south bay, these are the school districts that will be impacted the most. 154 full-time employees could be laid off at the san jose unified school district. more than 100 at alum rock, and about 90 in cupertino. an east bay elementary school back open today after a day of cleaning up. 30 classrooms at east oakland pride elementary were broken into over the weekend. eight mac computers were stolen as were several projectors and the safe from the principal's office. many at the school suspect it was an inside job because the alarm was off and thieves seemed to know where all the valuables were. the search for san francisco's next police chief now in its final stages. today the police commission is
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expected to submit the names of three finalists to mayor ed lee. he will then make a final choice. it's not clear how many people were interviewed but the field included both internal candidates and people from the outside. 5:41. first myspace, then facebook and twitter. now the buzz that google is going social. >> and top dog to the rescue. how the governor is using his pooch to take a bite out of california's budget deficit. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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welcome back to cbs 5 "early edition." we are tracking rain this morning, in the north bay heaviest rain right now. closer look at hi-def doppler, you can see where we are seeing
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moderate cells of rain just to the northeast of petaluma heading towards sonoma and napa, crossing over the 101 this morning. you will see some showers, also 80. if you are one of those super commuters going to sacramento, showers on and off. heaviest rain today in the north bay with scattered showers throughout the rest of the bay area off and on throughout the day. your planner says just that. again, north bay rain, cloudy and showers throughout the bay and the coast and chance of showers elsewhere throughout the bay area. as we move on throughout the day, your temperatures will stay relatively mild with highs in the 60s today although a bit cooler than yesterday for most locations. again, heavier rain in the north, cloudy with showers throughout the rest of the bay. moving forward throughout the week, we are going to see more of this shower activity as we see a stagnant area of low pressure sitting just to the north off the coast of british columbia. that will continue to usher in waves of moisture throughout the week. and here's a look at that.
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wednesday, through the weekend, shower activity although the heaviest rainfall does look to come in on friday of this week. in the meantime, taking a look at what to expect for the rest of the day today, you will find showers heaviest in the north bay. we could see up to 1.5" of rain in some of the higher elevations closer to .75" in the urban areas and .2" at best in the south bay. i would be surprised to see this much for most locations outside of the north bay although the santa cruz mountains could see heavier amounts in the higher elevations. temperatures, in the mid-60s for most folks, warmer in the south bay and places like livermore, the farther east you travel today. your seven-day forecast shows showers today, and then some nuisance rain, really sporadic showers for wednesday and thursday. the next soaker moves in on friday and with it, colder air. i wouldn't be surprised to see snow in the higher elevations of the north bay mountains. here's elizabeth with a check of your roads. fortunately, there is not
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much to talk about so you can enjoy that extra cup of coffee, chill out for a little bit. if you want to avoid some of the rain on the roads later on today, everything is on time. bart has 43 trains on time. no delay on bart, ace, muni and caltrain. mostly green on our sensors meaning that we aren't dealing with a lot of issues out there. here's 2 80 out of downtown san jose. your drive along the peninsula 101 and 280 fine into san francisco. 280, 101 fine into downtown. southbound 101 easy through the waldo grade toward the golden gate bridge. yesterday we had a fog advisory for here and the richmond/san rafael bridge. not the case this morning. weather not an issue now. the roads looking great. since we have been on the air
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at 4:30, we have not seen any accidents out there blocking lanes. here's live look at the san mateo bridge. everything is fine in the commute direction. the right side of your screen, this is westbound 92, that should be a 13, 14-minute drive time between hayward and foster city. of course, things can change at any time. so once you do hit the road, remember our radio partners, kcbs 740-am and 106.9-fm. that's your traffic and your weather. back to you. >> thank you. let's take a check of today's top stories. san francisco police looking for two people after a shooting that wounded five people. it happened in the mission district just after 11:00 last night. witnesses say they saw two men running from the scene and driving away in a white station wagon. the deadline has arrived. today hundreds of teachers in the bay area could receive pink slips warning them that they may be out of a job next fall. some of those educators will hold rallies today to call attention to school funding issues. and right now in japan,
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dangerous levels of radiation are leaking from the crippled fukushima nuclear power plant. there's been an explosion at a third reactor and a fire at a fourth. the government has ordered 140,000 people to seal themselves indoors. 5:48. beerwe are physically closer to japan. scientists say the force moved japan 13 feet closer to the united states and shifted enough mass to accelerate the spinning of the earth. probably won't notice the change, though. the quake shaved about 1.8 microseconds off the 24-hour day. gilbert godfrey is no longer the voice of aflek after making jokes on twitter related to japan. he was featured in dozens of those commercials over the-year- old. a majority of the business
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takes place in japan. several technology reports say that google will introduce google circles coming up in may. now, the network would allow people to share content with others who are members of different social circles in their lives. however, google is denying that report. the governor's office is banking on a new solution to balance the state's $26 billion budget deficit. meet governor brown's corgi named sutter. he is on t-shirts, mugs, has the and other doggie items now for saturday. the governor's office hopes that the sale of these items will take a little bite out of the budget deficit, maybe a big one. it's a novel idea but even some dog loves have some concerns. >> you know, i think it's a good idea but i think there's a lot of other things you could do to balance the budget. >> with $3 from of item sold going to the general fund, the state would have to sell 887 million items of sutter merchandise. but, you know, they say if each person in california buys
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24 t-shirts, we balance the budget. >> julie said she would buy one. >> i'll buy a couple. you know. we'll at least get it going, right? >> little by little. 5:50 on a tuesday. parking wars in the east bay. why some city leaders are so upset about the type of parking meters that have been installed there. >> and don't like your job? why having a bad one can be worse than having no job at all. switching to progressive could mean hundreds more in your wallet year after year. feed me! saving you money -- now, that's progressive. call or click today.
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turned into a three month nightmare. it started easily enough... neig a simple city project in san francisco has turned into a three-month nightmare. it all started easily enough, neighbors want to save their pine tree getting banged up by delivery trucks. so the city decided to build a
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bump around the tree. they had to redo the sidewalk, move the hydrant and crews knocked out power to the neighborhood, as well. >> about every month or so it seems like there have been blackouts. >> we are trying to get this done as quickly and efficiently to the best of our ability. >> three months now. so far the city estimates it has spent over $100,000 on just saving that tree. today the city of oakland will decide on the location of 150 new parking meters. "contra costa county times" reports that several city council members are unhappy about the meters because the drivers can only use coins, not credit cards. meters should be installed during the summer sometime. they are expected to raise about $267,000 a year. scientists say having a bad job can be worse for your mental health than having no job at all. australian researchers surveyed thousands of people, unemployed workers who were able to find a job they considered good saw an
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improvement in mental health. but when someone got a job that they viewed as poor, it was actually more detrimental to their mental health than remaining unemployed. >> we know julie watts is a happy gal because she is doing weather today and she loves to do weather. >> she likes rain too. >> a lot of action out there. >> i love when and i love when i'm doing weather and we have something to talk about. it always happens in california. we have showers today and it's a little exciting for us weather geeks. so we are starting off with showers, moderate rainfall in portions of the north bay this morning. looks like the heaviest rain today will be in the north but i think we'll all see a little bit of it throughout the day today. you can see this band of showers stretching offshore it's going to pass through the bay likely bringing rain to the peninsula, portions of san francisco and in the east bay over the next hour or so, so get ready for some rain on the roads for this morning commute. taking a look at the seven-day forecast, again heaviest rain in the north today, showers for the rest of us. we see some nuisance rain just that off and on kind of drizzly
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weather, wednesday and thursday, but friday does look to be a good soaker and bringing with it some cooler temperatures, which may even bring a little snow to the highest elevations in the north bay. showers continue into the weekend. speaking of the roads, let's check in with elizabeth and how's traffic? >> traffic has been doing great all morning long at least since 4:30 since we have been on the air. traffic is look great across all our bridges. we have no fog advisories. here's live look at traffic across the golden gate bridge. they did the lane change a little earlier as you can see the truck's actually heading back to the barn now. so everything is looking good if you are heading into san francisco from marin county. same thing in the east bay. east bay traffic cruising as you pass the coliseum. this is the view through oakland. north- and southbound 880 near the coliseum, 15 minutes is that drive time into the commute direction between 238 and the macarthur maze. the san mateo bridge in this commute direction looks fine, as well. this is westbound 92 between hayward and foster city about a 13, 14-minute drive time, all
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green this morning for the busiest routes this time of the morning. westbound 580 quick trip out of the altamont pass and no delay heading down the eastshore freeway. that's your traffic and your weather. back to you. >> thank you. 5:56. congratulations this morning to the women's basketball team at stanford. >> yeah. you better believe it! once again the cardinal heading to the ncaa tournament. they earned the number one seed spate. they will play saturday on maples pavilion. good have one team in the big dance. the men all shut out here in the bay area first time since 1991 we haven't had a ncaa team for the bay area to root for and, of course, you can see all the games right here. >> good luck to tara vanderveer and the cardinal. coming up in the next hough hour, searching for the new san francisco police chief, the final step being taken today. >> five people shot inside a bar, what witnesses will able to tell the police. and we just showed you what it's like to be in an 8.0 magnitude earthquake.
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now what experts say you need in your home to stay safe. ,,,,,,,,,,,, i was driving in northern california. my son was asleep.
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i really didn't see it coming. i didn't realize i was drifting into the other lane. [ kim ] i was literally falling asleep at the wheel. it got my attention, telling me that i wasn't paying attention. i had no idea the guy in front of me had stopped short. but my car did. -my car did. -thankfully, my mercedes did. [ male announcer ] a world you can't predict... demands a car you can trust. the e-class.
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see your authorized mercedes-benz dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services. mass evacuations in japan. the strict warning issued for tens of thousands of people. dangerous levels of radiation causing mass evacuations in japan. the strict warning issued for tens of thousands of people. five people shot inside a san francisco bar. the chaotic scene, witnesses are describing it today. good morning. it's tuesday, march 15. i'm frank mallicoat. >> i'm sydnie kohara. time now, coming up on 6:00. first we have a check of weather and traffic. >> talking about a little bit of rain for the morning commute especially for folks in the north bay and actually anybody crossing the golden gate right now is right underneath a moderate


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